Nowadays, it often appears in the market. The same common PCB circuit board has a big difference in price. Why is there such a difference?
First of all, the materials used are different, and the price will be very different. PCB circuit boards involve many raw materials, such as plates, inks, and auxiliary materials such as electroplating potions. Take the sheet material, there are well-known brands such as Taiguang, Taiyao, Shengyi, KB, and many unknown brands on the market. The prices of different brands are very different, such as: the same specifications of raw materials. The price of Yi sheet material is about 20% higher than that of KB sheet material, which is much higher than those of unknown brands in the market. It can be seen that the difference in the sheet material has led to a large price difference for PCB circuit boards.
Secondly, different processes will also affectPCBThe price of the circuit board, such as the copper sinking process and the black hole process, the black hole process is simple, short, easy to control, saving man-hours, and increasing productivity; the copper sinking process is cumbersome, and the time is almost the black hole process4It is not easy to control, and the production efficiency is relatively low. However, the performance of the product using the copper immersion process is relatively better and the price is relatively high.
Of course, it is not the most expensive, it is the best, and the one that suits you is the best. The customer’s price-led procurement purpose, and the budget is not sufficient, according to their product positioning, they can lower their standard selection in terms of raw materials and processes. (For example, choose low-priced materials, etc., but the premise is that the product must be in line with the product. Requirements). If the PCB circuit board is used in high-end products, you should choose a material with better performance, because the PCB circuit board has a small value in the entire product. If the PCB cannot match the product or the product is scrapped due to the material, it will cause trouble to the company. Estimated loss.